div col end in Chinese
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- div
- 层效果; 迪夫; 季夫; 简单爱; 两个整数相除; 取商数; 预言系; 整除
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- col
- 短语和例子 COL = 1.computer-oriented language 【计算机】面向计算机的语言。 2.cost of living 生活费用。 n. 1.(峰与峰之间的)山口,坳口。 2.【气象学】鞍状等压线,气压谷。
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- col-
- col- 1 〔用在 l 字母前〕= com-. col- 2 =colo-.
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- div css
- 美工美化整站; 舞曲网
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- div division
- 分段; 分工、部门; 科室
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What is the meaning of div col end in Chinese and how to say div col end in Chinese? div col end Chinese meaning, div col end的中文,div col end的中文,div col end的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.